Dienstag, 24. September 2013

The Games get easier (Game 57)

Game 57 - Win (Overall Stats since Blog-Start: 41-16
Current League : Gold V (23p)
Played Champion: Amumu (Jungle)

Seems to me that after i promoted to Gold V now, not only the players get worse, also the Games get easier. I stomped this game so hard, was focussed as fuck by them. Even had most Gold, really awesome.

Finally.. + Fun-Fact (Game 56)

Game 56 - Win (Overall Stats since Blog-Start: 40-16
Current League : Gold V (Promotion Series Won)
Played Champion: Veigar (Mid)

Finally i made it to Gold V.. was really stressful. 


This game i played Veigar. In the beginning i had trouble lasthitting the Creeps, when i looked at my AP and saw 0. I actually had the Pantheon Masteries (AD) and AD Runes from the game before still active, scoring a total of 161 AD at the end of the game. I was bursting like hell still, with Runes and Masteries i would've had 1300 AP at the end of the game, without i had about 900.

Doing everything solo.. (Game 55)

Game 55 - WIN (Overall Stats since Blog-Start: 39-16
Current League : Silver I (2-2 Promo)
Played Champion: Pantheon Mid

2 Leaver.. (Game 54)

Game 54 - LOSE (Overall Stats since Blog-Start: 38-16)
Current League : Silver I (Promotion 1-2)
Played Champion: Zac (Jungle)

Win with afker (Game 53)

Game 53 - WIN (Overall Stats since Blog-Start: 38-15)
Current League : Silver I (1-1 Promo)
Played Champion: Diana (Mid)

Worst luck in Promotion... (Game 52)

Game 52 - LOSE (Overall Stats since Blog-Start: 37-15)
Current League : Silver I (Promotion 0-1)
Played Champion: Fiddlesticks (Jungle)


Game 50 - WIN (Overall Stats since Blog-Start: 37-14)
Current League : Silver I (Qualified for Promotion)
Played Champion: Amumu (Jungle)

Uncarryable shitnoob Mates part 2 (Game 50)

Game 50 - LOSE (Overall Stats since Blog-Start: 36-14)
Current League : Silver I (Promotion LOST)
Played Champion: Shaco Jungle


Uncarryable noobshitmates (Game 49)

Game 49 - LOSE (Overall Stats since Blog-Start: 36-13)
Current League : Silver I (Promotion 2/2)
Played Champion: Amumu (Jungle)

no comment.

Carrying your noobass Shitmates (Game 48)

Game 48 - WIN (Overall Stats since Blog-Start: 36-12)
Current League : Silver I (Promotion 2/1)
Played Champion: Amumu (Jungle)

 > Let them Die
> Pentakill

Montag, 23. September 2013


Game 47 - WIN (Overall Stats since Blog-Start: 35-12)
Current League : Silver I (Promotion 1/1)
Played Champion: Fiddlesticks (Mid)



Game 46 - LOSE (Overall Stats since Blog-Start: 34-12)
Current League : Silver I  (Promotion 0/1)
Played Champion: Shaco (Jungle)


Bad Game but still.. (Game 45)

Game 45 - WIN (Overall Stats since Blog-Start: 34-11)
Current League : Silver I (86p)
Played Champion: Shaco (Jungle)

Bad Game but still won. Feeding Mates, backdoored to win.

The Losing Streak (Game 44)

Game 44 - LOSE (Overall Stats since Blog-Start: 33-11)
Current League : Silver I (86p)
Played Champion: Shaco (Jungle)

Dont even wanna show the game stats. MY TEAMMATES ARE FUCKING TERRIBLE.

Unsuccessful Promo is unsuccessful (Game 43)

Game 43 - LOSE (Overall Stats since Blog-Start: 32-11)
Current League : Silver I (Promotion 2/3, unsuccessful)
Played Champion: Amumu (Jungle)

0/8 Singed with less gold than our Support. One of the worst Botlanes in history. Just a really bad and stupid Game. 

Promo ruined by Feeding Monkeys (Game 42)

Game 42 - Win (Overall Stats since Blog-Start: 32-10)
Current League : Silver I (Promotion 2/2)
Played Champion: Kassadin (Mid)

Just no comment.

Shaco (Game 41)

Game 41 - Win (Overall Stats since Blog-Start: 32-9)
Current League : Silver I (Promotion 1/0)
Played Champion: Shaco (Jungle)


Now this is just a small little strat probably 50% of the Shaco players do.
You put 4 Puppets at Blue. First one at 0:57. After almost instagibbing blue, Q over Dragon/Nash pit and put some Puppets at their Red and grab the half hp enemy kill. After that just clear their Red, gank their Top, port back and clear your own red.

What you did now:

Got 2 Kills (Jungler, TOP)
Have a renewed Red Buff, without the Enemy having a possibility to get one.
Cleared a jungle.
Have Boots/Claws now after going bot.
Level 4-5.

This is amazing this early into the Game, giving you hell lots of possibilities to gank now. 
Top will be easy to gank as it already died (or forced to go heal).
Bottom may be hard, just counter it yourself if necessary. 
Midlane may be hard aswell, try to search the enemy jungler.

Lost Connection in Champion Select (Game 40)

Game 38 - LOSE (Overall Stats since Blog-Start: 32-8)
Current League : Silver I (Promotion 1/1)
Played Champion: / 

Lost Connection. Count's as loss. Really retarded.

Don't play if you're ill, tired or both (Game 39)

Game 39 - Win (Overall Stats since Blog-Start: 31-8)
Current League : Silver I (Promotion 1/0)
Played Champion: Shaco (Jungle)

Don't play if you're ill, tired or both.

Just don't. You will do worse than you would do normally. It's just natural. You won't improve aswell, so you shouldn't really do it. I played this game after being up all weekend and barely sleep today. Gonna get me some well deserved sleep after the next game, hoping i won't be as terrible as i was here.

Sonntag, 22. September 2013

My bad Internet (Game 38)

Game 38 - W (Overall Stats since Blog-Start: 30-8)
Current League : Silver I (Qualified for Series)
Played Champion: Pantheon (Top)

Lost Connection like always. Near the End aswell, so no Stats.
Stats were 14/12/12 or something like that. I fed my way up in the beginning, like 0/6/0, not giving gold anymore, permanently pushing a lane till the Inhib so we could splitpush nash.

Another Trollgame (Game 37)

Game 37 - WIN (Overall Stats since Blog-Start: 29-8)
Current League : Silver I (93p)
Played Champion: Kassadin (Mid)

2 Leavers. Only -3 Points. No Gamestats because im mad as fuck.

Not even serious!! (Game 37)

Game 37 - WIN (Overall Stats since Blog-Start: 30-7)
Current League : Silver I (97p)
Played Champion: Kassadin (Mid)

I like these kind of games. Huge stomps where it's just about who does the crazier things, while one of us plays it seriously. Really enjoyed this one.

How 2 win with wrong runes (Game 36)

Game 36 - WIN (Overall Stats since Blog-Start: 29-7)
Current League : Silver I (75p)
Played Champion: Amumu (Jungle)

How 2 win with wrong runes:

Play good.

Freitag, 20. September 2013

A Good Game (Game 35)

Game 35 - WIN (Overall Stats since Blog-Start: 28-7)
Current League : Silver I (54p)
Played Champion: Nidalee (Support)

A Good Game.

Now this is what's really fun about LoL. A Game which is intense until the very end, with many nice little Gimmicks (Dragon Steal, nice Jukes and Flashes, other sick plays).

Even though i played my worst position in this game, i think i was a very good support. The heals and the zoning with spears were a huge deal. 

A Bad Game (Game 34)

Game 34 - WIN (Overall Stats since Blog-Start: 27-7)
Current League : Silver I (33p)
Played Champion: Amumu (Jungle)

Gamestats wouldn't be worth it..
A Bad Game.

Enemy Nasus fed on purpose. Easy, but not really Fun Game. Boring.