Sonntag, 25. August 2013

Take one for the Team! (Game 4)

Game 4 - WIN (Overall Stats since Blog-Start: 4-0)
Current League : Silver V (Series Win)
Played Champion: Tryndamere (TOP)

Game Stats: 

Take one for the Team:

Just a short little tip which may save your game, which should be common sense. Even though you're a better player, try to protect the others. The Varus in this game was so happy that someone actually protected him (me) and died for him so he could clean-up the enemy team. Always look for the others. 

Samstag, 24. August 2013

Motivate your Team! (Game 3)

Game 3 - WIN (Overall Stats since Blog-Start: 3-0)
Current League : Bronze I (Promotion 2-0)
Played Champion: Jax (Jungle)

Game Stats: 

Motivate your Team:

In this game my Team had huge moral problems. They had roles they didn't want as the ADC picked the ADC role even though someone else called it and stuff like that. Also the Malzahar pick commented as "i'm imba with him" turned out to be a terrible decision. Not only did he fail the midlane, he also made the other teammates want to surrender at 20 while i had 8/0 at that point. 

What did i do?

I told each and everyone of them to shut up. I told them to play the roles they got, how they have to play their roles at that point in the game (a fed enemy team is kinda hard, even though you're 8/0. Overall Score was like 12/11 in favor of them anyway) and that they should make the best out of it. I shat on my CS and tried to save them from any ganks, counterwarded and warded by myself so the support could keep up a little bit and ganked myself. I took over Cho'Gaths Tank-Role in Teamfights because he failed his Toplane against VI and made the game for my team. 

Freitag, 23. August 2013

How 2 not be selfish (Game 2)

Game 2 - WIN (Overall Stats since Blog-Start: 2-0)
Current League : Bronze I (Promotion 1-0)
Played Champion: Pantheon


How 2 not be selfish:

I ganked both Top and Bot all the time after getting the Level Advantage i got because i zoned out Fizz. Even if i died in most of the Ganks, i got 2-3 Kills for the Team out of that.  I ultied behind the ADC/SUPP Lane of the enemy to scare them into my Teammates or to force all the flashes and barriers. Relatively easy Ganks. I also took the part of the initiator going the Hydra/Malmortius Route to deal some Dmg (Hydra Act.) while also being a huge threat to their AP Heroes. I always died since i ported into 5 Champs, but my Team could easily clear up after. 


How 2 Zone (Game 1)

Game 1 - WIN (Overall Stats since Blog-Start: 1-0)
Current League : Bronze (Qualified for Series)
Played Champion: Pantheon

Game Stats: 

How 2 Zone and win your Lane extremely easy:

What is Zoning?

If you hold an enemy away from exp range or away from getting any cs with your Abilities, you're zoning him out.

How to do it with Pantheon:

It's extremely easy to zone AP-Heroes with Pantheon with your Q-Skill cause it is sitting on a very low Cooldown with relatively high Base Dmg. Try to Q him if he's in Range, otherwise stay on his Side of the Creeps without getting hit by the Creeps. If you hit him with Q, backup till it's up again. If your passive is up, you can even Q him in Tower Range. Don't let him Burst back, ever. If he's in the middle of the lane and you trade your Burst, try to sneak in a Kill if he's at 70% HP.

Q him. Autoattack. W him. Ignite. E him. Q him. That should do the job. It's extremely easy to win and carry a lowlevel Game like this.